It was now March 9, 2011.
The morning I went into labor that was all I could think of. Was 11 days good enough? Was 11 days going to be good enough? I was so unsure of what I was about to head into. This was something that Jim and I could never of predicted. We didn't realize that by the endof day our dream for the last 8 years ould have been shattered and a new one would begin.
I woke up at 7 am that morning; just like I had for the last 11 days. All my vitals were checked and I was given my "yummy" breakfast tray. I began to pick at the breakfast when I started to feel very uncomfortable. I was having a lot of pain in my back. I looked at the monitor, that was strapped to my belly, to see if I was having any contractions. I had been having small ones on and off for the entire 11 days so I figured I would see something. And I did. The same ole' thing I had been seeing since I was admitted.
But the thing was, it didn't feel the same. Every 15 minutes I was having sharp pain in my back and I was beginning to feel something in my belly. Because it wasn't registering at the monitor I kept telling myself that Rylee was just moving alot and that my body was just tired of being in the bed. Now thinking back I do not understand why I continuously doubt my gut instinct. I always second guess myself. I need to realize that I am capable of making good judgements and just go with them. Anyways...
I then started waking Jim up. If I was going to be in pain I definately did not want to be in pain alone. After about 10 minutes Jim rose out of his very comfortable chair/ bed (ha!) and I caught him up to speed on how I was feeling. He did what he always does and reasoned with me.
By the time the time my doctor came to my room I was crying. I couldn't at the time explain why I was crying. I was in pain but I had definately had been in way worse pain in my life. I now know that I was crying because I was hurting, I knew what was coming and I was scared for what was coming. While we were there for the 11 days we had a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) nurse come to my room to talk to us about what would happened if we delivered before 38 weeks. We knew physical what to expect but emotionally I had no idea. I didn't exactly know what caring for a premature baby would entail. Our first daughter was full term and I didn't have any other experience having a child other than her. So NICU here we come!
After talking with my doctor she felt that it was Braxton Hicks contractions but because I was crying and that I insisted that it was the real thing so decided that she would give me some medicine to ease my pain. She said that if it was unreal labor that it would ease the pain and help me to sleep but that if it was real labor I would continue to be in pain and I would be real sleepy. All I could think was, Great! Now I am going to feel like a zombie all day while I am in labor. I KNEW at this point that I was in labor. Before she left she checked to see if I was dialated and I was only at a 1 and about 30% effaced. She said this was normal with the breakage of water and she still felt that I would be fine once I got the meds. Then she left assuring me she would check in with me later.
After talking with my doctor she felt that it was Braxton Hicks contractions but because I was crying and that I insisted that it was the real thing so decided that she would give me some medicine to ease my pain. She said that if it was unreal labor that it would ease the pain and help me to sleep but that if it was real labor I would continue to be in pain and I would be real sleepy. All I could think was, Great! Now I am going to feel like a zombie all day while I am in labor. I KNEW at this point that I was in labor. Before she left she checked to see if I was dialated and I was only at a 1 and about 30% effaced. She said this was normal with the breakage of water and she still felt that I would be fine once I got the meds. Then she left assuring me she would check in with me later.
Then the nurse came in and gave me my meds through the IV. She said to give it about half an hour and that I should be feeling loads better. One thing you must know about me is that it doesn't take long for medicine to work on me. I can take children's sleepy time medicine and it works just as well as adult strength. So when she said that I looked at Jim, smiled, and thought whatever. I will be a zombie in about 10 minutes. And I was right! About the same time I started feeling VERY sleepy I had another contraction and this time it regitered on the monitor. Jim suggested that I call the nurse and let her know. I, doing what I always do, underplayed it. I didn't want to call her and take her away from another patient for her to just tell me that I was fine. So I dealt with it.
At this point I looked and felt like death. Oh how I dreamt of having a hollywood style labor. I would look and feel marvelous. But no, I did not. I was uncomfortable and no matter how I sat, laid, or moved I was miserable. So I called the nurse. She then called the doc. I was checked and was told that I was officially in labor. I was already progress to 75% effaced and I was dialated to about a 3. So then all the preperations for delivery began.
Jim started making his phonecalls. He told everyone not to rush becasue I was in the early stages and that it could be until about dinner time before we were going to be able to meet Rylee. We didn't know that I was going to be a professional baby deliverer. (ha!) It seemed that everytime the doc checked I was up 1 or 2 centimeters. Really this was going extremely fast. It seemed that every 15 minutes Jim was calling and updating everyone on my progress.
So then our family started showing up. We all relaized that this was going to happen sooner rather than later. We were all so excited to meet Rylee. You could feel the excitement in the room. ![](
Averi was finally going to have a sibling. It wasn't a brother but she was finally OK with having a sister and today she was finally going to meet her!![](
So now we anxiuosly await her arrival! (or painfully in my case)
After a very hard epidural, I am not going to take up too much time with explaining how I should never get another epidural again and how my body is not capable of handling having one put in, and few hours later I was ready to push. I couldn't believe it was here. I was finally going to be able to hold the baby I had been dreaming of for 8 years.
So here goes nothing....
One push, two push, half a push, OUT!!!!!
Thats all it took. Holding onto Jim's hand I pushed out our beautiful baby girl. I was crying with excitement. We had done it. We had brought into the world the first woman president, an olympic gold medalists, or the person whe finds the cure for cancer. Or anything she wanted to be. All I knew was that I loved her with my WHOLE heart. This was something that God had given to Jim and I. A chance to be a parent again. What a wonderful gift!!!!
What did she just say?
I looked to Jim for clarification. I was unsure of what was happening. I could hear her crying but I didn't get to see her or touch her or kiss her or see Jim cut the cord or....
Did my doctor just say, "Oh my Gosh, She has spina bifida!". Huh?
What does that mean. Why won't they let me see her? Why, now all of a sudden are there 4 more nurses rushign into the room? Why are they saying she can't move her legs?
I had all of these, and more, questions but I couldn't find my voice. I couldn't even find words to say to Jim. What do I say to him? I felt like I had let him down in some way. I wasn't able to give him the experience he deserved.
I hated that at the moment I was supposed to be the happiest I had ever been I was crying and scared. I felt like I was in a bubble. I didn't, I couldn't process what was going on around me. How could something be wrong with this child I had dreamed about for 8 years. She was perfect. She was supposed to be perfect. Thats what our sonograms told us.
NOT FAIR!!! NOT FAIR!!! This is what I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs. NOT FAIR!!! WHY ME!!!! I couldn't seem to get a grip on reality. I started to feel like I was in a dream. I didn't know how to wake up.
They took her. I didn't even get to see her or hold her and they took her. Jim went with them. I was alone and freaking out. I think it was that moment that I completely lost it. I dropped way down into a place that I had never really been before. Where was I and would anyone find me? Would I be stuck here forever.
The next thing I knew my mom was there. Could she rescue me? So I cried! As I know now crying was my way of screaming, HELP ME!!! I AM LOST!!! No one knew what to say. What was there to say. None of us knew what Spina bifida was. We weren't sure at this point if it was a death sentence or if this was something we could work through.
Really we couldn't come up with the right questions to even get any answers. So we were lost. I was lost!
Its official, we were new parents of a beautiful babt girl. A beautiful baby girl that has spina bifida.
There were so many things we werer going to have learn because at this moment we were unsure of what our future held. But all we knew for sure was that we loved her!
Rylee Jo Betts ~ March 9, 2011 ~ 3 lbs. 12 oz. ~ 17 inches long |